Laconia Contemporary Company Presents “Do You Feel Anger?”

On Friday, February 14 at 7:30 PM, Saturday, February 15 at 2 and 7:30 PM, and Sunday, February 16 at 2 PM, community members are welcome to enjoy “Do You Feel Anger?” at the WCR Center for the Arts. A little bit about the show: “Sofia was recently hired as an empathy coach at a debt collection agency—and clearly, she has her work cut out for her. These employees can barely identify what an emotion is, much less practice deep, radical compassion for others. And while they painstakingly stumble towards enlightenment, someone keeps mugging Eva in the kitchen. An outrageous comedy about the absurdity—and the danger—of a world where some people’s feelings matter more than others’.” This production is presented by the Laconcia Contemporary Company. with arrangement from Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. Get ready to enjoy this show by Mara Nelson-Greenberg by purchasing your tickets now here!

Oley Cub Scout Pack 569’s Annual Pancake Breakfast

On Saturday, February 22 Oley Cub Scout Pack 569 will be hosting their Annual Pancake Breakfast and Basket Raffle at the Ruscombmanor Fire Company from 8 to 11 AM. As their largest fundraiser of the year, all proceeds will go directly to the cub scouts by providing them with educational opportunities, supplies needed, and financial support all to help offset the cost of membership. Tickets will be $6 in advance and $8 at the door. Takeout will be available. Please contact Erin Hoover if you are interested in donating a basket or obtaining tickets ahead of time by emailing [email protected] or calling 570.617.3968.



St. Paul’s Lutheran Church’s Swing Fever Concert

The Cultural Series Team of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Fleetwood is sponsoring a concert by Spring Fever Dance Band on Sunday, February 23 at 3:00 PM. Swinging since 1983, this 19-piece big band, complete with vocalists and an emcee, have been recreating the big band sound of the 1930s and 1940s and performing musical selections that span over five decades. Spring Fever Dance Band offers quality music with an authentic big band sound. Tickets are $15 in advance or $18 at the door. Children ages 5-12 are $5. For tickets call Sharon at 610.637.8727.

Kutztown Area School Music Association’s Night of Music & Kauffman’s BBQ Chicken

Join the Kutztown Area School Music Association for their Night of Music & Kauffman’s BBQ Chicken on Friday, February 28 from 5 to 8 PM at the Kutztown Area Middle School Commons. Each meal is $15, and there is an $8 admission fee for non-dining guests looking to join. All proceeds benefit KASMA, a nonprofit that supports all music students and programs K-12 in the Kutztown Area School District. This sit down dinner includes 1/2 BBQ chicken, baked potato bar, garden salad, dinner roll, applesauce and bottled water. There will also be a bake sale, raffle prizes, and performances by KASD students for all guests to enjoy! Order online and pay with Venmo by filling out the online order form here, or you can print this order form by clicking here and pay with check or cash. All order forms are due by February 14. Questions? Contact Reba Hoffman at 610.223.8051 or [email protected].

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud supporter of KASMA*

Fleetwood Area Middle School Presents Singin’ in the Rain, Jr.

The Fleetwood Area Middle School will be hosting performances of Singing’ in the Rain Jr. at the following times: Friday, March 7 at 7 PM, Saturday, March 8 at 7 PM, and Sunday, March 9 at 2 PM. Senior citizens will also have the opportunity to enjoy the performance on Thursday, March 6 at 10 AM for free. Tickets go on sale in mid-February and are $7 each. Seats will be assigned. If you are interested in getting tickets, please email Carin Mileshosky at [email protected].


*Fleetwood Bank is a proud sponsor of this event and supporter of the Fleetwood Area Middle School*

Fleetwood’s Finest Spring Gala

Join the party to celebrate Fleetwood’s Finest on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at the Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Company Social Quarters Banquet Hall as Fleetwood begins its 151st  Year. At 6:30 PM, Red Carpet Arrivals and Cocktail Hour will take place (VIP takes place starting at 6 PM). Enjoy Dinner at 7:15 PM, followed by the presentation of both the Fleetwood Hometown Hero Award and Fleetwood Cadillac Award at 8:15 PM. At 9 PM, dessert will be served, followed by dancing with Josh Squared. The Fleetwood Hometown Hero Award honors an individual or individuals who leave a lasting legacy on the town. This award will be presented to Barney Dietrich, Ernie Fink and R. Joel Schaeffer for building Fleetwood’s Little League Field with the Fleetwood Jaycee’s in 1965. The Fleetwood Cadillac Award is presented to an organization or business that has contributed extraordinary community service. This year, the Fleetwood Volunteer Fire Company is being awarded for their extraordinary service to the community since 1914. Tickets are on sale for $50 ($75 for VIP, which includes cocktails with the honorees). All tickets include cocktail hour, dinner, desserts, beer and wine. Please wear business / celebration attire. To learn more about the event and to purchase tickets, click here!

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud sponsor of this event and a proud supporter of Friends of Fleetwood Parks*

Shoemakersville Fire Company Annual Dinner Fundraiser

On Saturday, March 8, 2025 The Shoemakersville Fire Company will be holding a venison dinner at the Shoemakersville Fire Company Banquet Hall. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the truck crew to purchase gear and equipment that will both keep our volunteer firefighters safe and the local community residents we serve. Please reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud supporter of the Shoemakersville Fire Company*

Muhlenberg High School 51st Annual Spring Musical

The Muhlenberg High School is excited to present their 51st Annual Spring musical, Shrek, on Friday, March 14 at 7 PM and Saturday, March 15 at 1 PM and 7 PM. The musical will take place in the high school’s auditorium. To learn more about purchasing tickets, please contact Amy Sharp, Spring Musical Producer, at [email protected] or 610.451.5435.

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud supporter of this event*

The Jazz Festival Hosted By Kutztown Area School Music Association

Join the Kutztown Area School Music Association and the Kutztown Area School District for their Annual Jazz Festival, which is considered one of the best in Berks County and showcases jazz musicians from school bands around the region. Enjoy food, music, and raffle prizes starting at 12 PM on Saturday, March 15 at Kutztown Area Middle School.

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud supporter of KASMA*

32nd Annual Pot Pie Benefit Dinner

The Oley Valley Community Benefit Association is hosting their 32nd Annual Pot Pie Benefit Dinner at the Oley Valley Elementary School on Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be rescheduled to Sunday, March 30. The cost to attend is $15 for adults, $6 for children ages 4 – 10, and free for children 4 and under. All proceeds benefit those in need who live and /or work within the Oley Valley School District and the Junior Class of Oley Valley High School.  While you’re enjoying your Pot Pie, enjoy the sounds of the Oley Valley Alumni and Community Band. There will be handicap parking / drop off in the rear of the Oley Valley Elementary School. We also offer takeout which begins at 11:00 AM. We provide all containers. Tickets can be purchased at the door, from Reppert’s Candy, Christman’s Meat Market, and Oley Valley Feed or by contacting Tom Hoch at 610.587.3810 or Kim Zeiber at [email protected]. Learn more here!

*Fleetwood Bank is a proud supporter of the Oley Valley Community Benefit Association*

Fleetwood Branch Flooding Update: The Fleetwood Branch is open, including the drive-thru, as of Monday, February 10.


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